Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Extended Ping 1.0دانلود برنامه ی

Test servers and network components just being 'alive'

Extended Ping, Eping for short, was developed to be a simple IP-based utility that can be used for testing servers and network components just being 'alive'. It periodically tests all the ip-addresses and/or hostnames in the grid and alerts if one or more cannot be pinged for a number of times. Being a networkmanager I needed such a tool in a fairly small network-environment, where SNMP or Openview are too much, too expensive or too complex.

How does it work? After starting Eping, it represents itself as a grid with five buttons at the right; Settings Clear Find About Exit The only thing you have to do to start testing, is filling in the column 'Address' and clicking the Eping-icon at the right (above the five buttons);

Of course it is advisable to add related information as 'Location', 'Description' and 'Comment'.  In case Eping cannot reach a specific ip-address after a number of tries, a popup-window appears with date, time and message;

This history is automatically saved when you exit Eping and loaded at startup. You can also edit the text. When Eping succeeds in reaching an ip-address, it fills in the responsetime in the first column on the left '[ms]'.

 Softpedia Secure Download (US) [ZIP]